Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Keeping fresh in summer season

In summer season we feel tired. Something work we break up. In summer season drink water, juice, shake keep body fresh. Rather some foods which remove tiredness. These are;
01.                        Water related food: Water is very essential in this time. One investigation shows that a fruit is better than one glass water. Everyday drink water minimum 7-8 glasses.
02.                        Papaya: Keep body cold and demand fulfill of water papaya is very helpful. It contains high potential vitamin and mineral. It helps keep screen fresh and increase light.
03.                        Pomegranate: Pomegranates have many important metals which help reconstruction of body after hard work. So, eat Pomegranate instead of cold drinks.
04.                        Green coconut: Green coconut water is very nutritious. It contains enough potassium. Everyday drink a green coconut water fulfill the lack of saline.

05.                        Cucumber: Cucumber contains 96% water. Drink cucumber shake for remove tired.    

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To keep fresh maintain this tips