Friday, July 10, 2015

Long time sit is not good

Are you know, long time sitting attacked with you diabetic, heart attacked, cancer.
Exclaimed you! Recently a research shows this inform. Scientist said, who work long time without interval 8 hours or some less and more do sit work or show TV. Their 90% have type-2 diabetic risk. This research shows that who sit long time their 50% risk for head attacked, 54% lungs cancer, 30% risk for colon cancer.
  Long time sit down occurs some harmful. There are.....................
Brain: Long time sitting occur brain blood collection to nali do not work in suitable time. For this blood flow create bind.
Lungs: 8-12 hours keep sitting risk for two times blood coagulates.
Arm: If physical work less it is risk for high blood pressure.
Sole: If long time pressure blow in nerve. If leg doing failure in nerve harmful.
Neck: Whole day leg keep unchanged for save water. Suddenly stand up time all water body saves to neck. From this, neck remains pain and unsleeping.

Heart: Long time sitting men remain risk for heart attacked and diabetic.

Potato chop

Potato chop is very familiar in ifter. This vegetable contain calorie. It remains good
health. Potato’s nutrition maintains power in our body from save power and increase power for work. Potato’s vitamin A is essential for eye.
Potato is sugar enriched vegetable. It increases sugar in blood. Potato helps collection of glucose for brain. Long time keep starve to do work in blood sugar quality decrease. For this, any food with potato increase sugar in blood. Less potato is good for more weight men.

Children and workable men need to eat potato enriched food. But who incur diabetic, high blood pressure, high cholesterol does not eat potato.